Thursday, 28 February 2013

Lecture #5 PHP

Today i want to talk about the php string variables and much more..................
so here we go.................................
 look like the following example......................................................................
$text="My name is xyz" ;

echo $text;

 string written in double quotes or single quote

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Torrent sites

Today i want to share with you best sites of torrent where you guys download a lot of movies.
So here we go............................................................................................

Torrent sites are the following.........................
for that side you need a vezu or utorrent downloading software.......................

sof first you guys go there and and search movie and download its torrent and open torrent and download the movie.

you guys also search as a on google  like

    die hard 4
you find the torrent and download it thanks

Thanks for reading ...........................................................................


Tuesday, 26 February 2013

PHP:Variables scope

Lecture #4

guys today i want to talk about the the PHP variable scope
so here we go.........................................................................................
There are four scope of php variables
  1. Local
  2. global
  3. static
  4. parameter
so i discuss one by one below as:

     1.Local scope

If any variable declare in the function of php then we say that it's life is affilicate with the php function and it's scope is local .not accessible from the out side the php function
like as

$n=10;//global scope

 function myfun()
{$h=7;//local scope of the variable



Static scope of variable

 function myfun()
static $n=0;//static scope of variable and static declaration
echo $n;



parameter scope

 function myfun($x)
echo $x;



for learning subscribe my blog feed..

Monday, 25 February 2013

Find best job through internet

Today i want to talk how you guys get best job through internet and earn a lot of money while staying at your home..................................................

So here we go...................................................................................................................................

  1. First of all you guys must go the following link
  3. Then sign up there....................................
  4. Make a perfect profile there
  5. Take some simple test according to your skills
  6. Regularly post your bid 
  7. After a month you get a good project then start your work
  8. First time you get a project then your profile show your earning and your chances of  awarded a project is increase...............
  9. But you make your profile is best and pass some exame there

Anothere one is

Same process is required  there!

and i suggest you these are the best site for earning money...........................thanks

if you like this post then join my blog feed and learn more tips and much more thanks 


Sunday, 24 February 2013



Hi!guys today i want to talk about the Variables of the PHP......................................

so here we go..........................................................................

PHP variables like a constraints use for sorting information....

see example below..................................................................................


echo $c;


echo is used for print purpose...................

It is related to................algebra
 like a=10;
c=15 Result

  •  A variable start with the sign $ followed by the variable like  $a
  •  A variable name must start with letter or the underscore character
  • Variable contain alpha numeric character and underscore character
  • A variable name does not contain space
  • Variable names are case sensitive ($a and $A)
 Declaring PHP variable

It is not a command for declaring variable...
  variable is created as


Above the two variable is  declare

 when $s is executed then text-here value is print
and when $a is executed then  value is 5..........

PHP Variables Scopes
  • Local
  • Global
  • Static
  • Parameter

  To be continued ......................................

For learning PHP and other Programing languages ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,subscribe my bloger feed..


Saturday, 23 February 2013


Lecture #2

Today i want to talk how to install the PHP on your personal computer
So here we go.........................

First of all you guys must install the following....................................
  1. Install the webserver
  2. Install PHP
  3. Inastall the database such as a MySQL
The official website how to install the PHP is following

PHP syntax

first you guys must know  what is Syntax :Syntax is rules  which you must be follow...

PHP syntax is writee any where in the document :
PHP script
 start as
end as

for example as
//code is here

php file extension .php

little example is here
<html>//main tage of html: open tage of html
 <h1> PHP example</h1>
 echo "helo world";


                 Join my blog feed to start learning programing languages totally free

Friday, 22 February 2013


1st lecture..................................................................................................
Today i want to talk about PHP..................................................................
 So here we go..............................................................................................

For PHP learning first of all you guys must know about the basic knowledge of the following..
  1. HTML
  2. Java script
What is PHP?

  • PHP stands for hypertext preprocessor.PHP is widely used as a scripting language.
  • Its scripts executed on the server side and easy to use and download
  • PHP files extension is .php and can contain html,java script text,php code
  • PHP file executed on the server side and result returned to the browser  as a plain html
  • PHP can generate the dynamic page content
  • You guys can create,open,write,read and close file on the server side using PHP
  • You guys can add,delete or modify file in the database using PHP
  • You guys can receive and send cookies using PHP
  • You guys can restrict the user to access the some pages on your sites using PHP
  • You guys can encyrpt data using PHP
  • You guys can collect form data using PHP
  • PHP is a platform independent mean to say you guys run php script any platform like windows,Unix,Lunix ..........etc
  • PHP is not limited to the output of html,you can output pdf file,flash movies,images,text,,ete 
  •  PHP is compatible with all the common servers (Apache,IIS...etc)
  • Support for wide range of database

                               To be continued ....................................

If you guys want to learn PHP and other programing languages so hurry up and join my blog feed ..
and start learning thanks

share with friends...................................................................................................

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Bit Torrent and how it is work

Today i want to share with you what is bit torrent and how it is work........................................
so here we go...................................................................................................................................

Bit Torrent is protocol support  the  practice of peer to peer file sharing..that is used for the distribution of large amount of data over the internet.Now a days Bit Torrent is common protocol that transform the large amount of data over the internet and get the traffic the 70% .
Bram cohen designed the protocol in April 2001 and launched in July,2, 2002 first version.In the survey of bit torrent internet corporation january 2012 bit torrent have 150 million active users.
                                      Bit Torrent reduce the server as well as network impact of distributing large files.In conventionally download a file from a single server source bit torrent allow the users to join each other as a unit of hosts  to download and upload from each other simultaneously.For that purpose a user who wants to upload a file first create the torrent discriptor that they distribute conventional through email,web....etc with the other peers,then they make a file itself available through a bit torrent node acting as a seed.

File being disturbing is divided into small segment which is called pieces,when each peer receives the piece of file then it becomes source for the other peers,having the original seed itself send the copy of seed to others who request for that.......and vise versa..

if you like this post then share with their friends and write some comments............thanks

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Alternative of Google Adsense

Hi! guys today i want to share with you alternative of google adsense..........
So here we go...................................................................................................................

following the alternative of google adsense through you guys earn like a google adsense


So guys don't miss the time and go to above sites and join these sites and earn money ..but join as a publisher account ......................

if you like this post then share with their friends and write some comments

Social network entertainment


Today i want to talk about the Myspace social network ............................
so here we go..........


Myspace is a social network  service that emphasizes the music owned by specific media LLC and pop music singer and actor Justin Timberlake in August 2003 in California.
For sign up first of all go to fill out the simple form then sign in into myspace and create your music Chanel and  share with your friends and family and listen music and much more.
Myspace have a million of activated users...........Don't waste more time go there and sing up..thanks


Google+ abbreviate as Google plus or g+....Google+ is social networking site that provide people to share their images,video,txt ...etc and gets more g+ from the other people and spread knowledge with the others.. .Google+ owned by Google Inc..Launched in June 28, 2011.. In survey of December 2012 Google+ have 500 million registered users..So don't miss the time go to google and type google+ and sign in your gmail id ,if  you have already and share your thoughts and feelings with the others and gets more g+ from the othere..

Also you guys use these above services for your site or blog promotions and gets high traffic thanks

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Best socail networks

Hi! guys
Today i want to disuses the best social network in the world.......................
so here we go........................................................................................
There are many social network are present in the world but i mention few that i think is best .......................
  1. Facebook
  2. twitter

                   Facebook is a social network that is founded by Mark Zuckerberg  and launched  in  February 2004 that is operated by Facebook internet corporation.In survey of 2012 Facebook have one billion active user ,in whom half billion user are used mobile devices....for joining Facebook go to and fill out the simple form and join the Facebook and meet the billion people and share your activities with them...also Facebook is major advertiser now days and you increase your web-traffic after having a ad on the Facebook.....if you not still a user of Facebook so join today and share your activities with the world and gets like from the others..


Twitter is online social network  that allow the user send the text based message  up to 140 character supported ...that is called tweet...Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey in March 2006..In survey of 2012 twitter have 500 billion active user in the world ...and rapidly spread in the world...also call micro blogging services...............................go to and fill out simple form and join twitter and start tweeting .........

Monday, 18 February 2013

Webmaster tools

Hi! guys
Today I want to talk about the webmaster tools...................................................
so here we....................................................................................................go

  • If you want to index  your site in the major search engine like Google,yahoo,bing............etc
  • Then i advice you ...........that you should work with the webmaster tool.............................
  • here i discuss there are two major webmaster tool through you guys indexed your site and also get more traffic and earn a lot of money and have good seo score ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
                                           1.Google Webmaster tools
                                           2.Bing/Yahoo Webmaster tools

1.Google webmater tools

                           i.Goto goole search  ...........and type google webmaster tools
                          ii.There sign in with your gmail account...........................
                         iii.Add your site there
                         iv.At the left side you see many option like dashboard,message,configure                      health,Traffic,optimization and labs
                         v.Create your site map and paste it into the optimization section...
                        vi.At configure section you guys ....process as fetch as Google request to Google that fetch your website or blog page .......also you see your indexed satiation and much more ...
2.Bing/Yahooo webmaster tools

                           i.Like google webmaster tools goto bing webmaster tools and sign in there with your hotmail acount and add your site there and create your site mape,then fetch bingboot ......................
one thing bing and yahoo now combine .............................................



if like then                               share...........................with friends.............................................................


google adsense

Hi! guys
Today i want to talk about google adsense...................
So here we go.................................................................................

  • Google adsense one of the most earning money source now a days from the internet....Google adsense is  pagram of goole internet corporation....................
  • Google Adsense allow the publisher to display automatic ads on their sites type text,video,banners...etc 
  • When the user visit the publisher site and see the google adsense ads and click on the ads then the publisher start earning....................
  • Google adsense gives the publisher more efficient money than the other source.................
  • So first of all you guys create an professional site or blog 
  • Then sign up into google adsense and starting earning.............................
  • But remember that you should follow the Google Adsense terms and conditions other wise your account will be blocked .................................
If you like this post then share  with your friends and also write some comments..............................

Sunday, 17 February 2013

How to earn Money through internet


Today i want to talk about how you guys earn through internet........................................
so here we go......................................................................................................................

  1. First of all i suggest you .........that you guys must have a website or professional blog through which you guys through earn guys advertise on your sites or blog ...Through this purpose I tell you best publisher sites........where you earn a lot ...............through some skills.................first create your blog or site then apply the below sites for publisher account and earn money..........................................................................  
                             i.Google adsense
                           iv.Sell & buys ads...


    2.   Second one is that you guys set up your profession profile on the following sites and bids for project...through you guys earn a lot...............................................

so if you like this post...................then share with your friends and write some comments about that post thanks gusy.......................................................................................................................

How to make Window 7 themes

Today i want to talk about how you guys make your own themes for windows 7...................
So here we go................................................................................................

  1. First of all you guys must collect all the images for the themes that you guys want to slide show in the theme create a new folder in the hard-disc and place their images into it...............
  2. Then go to desktop and right click and select personalize ...........................................................
  3. After selecting the personalize ...At the bottom side select the Desktop Background.......
  4. Then you guys see the browse ..............................
  5. Browse the your hard-disc  and select your folder where your images are take place ...
  6. After selecting the folder that contain images press ok...........................................
  7. Select save changes ..................................................................................................
  8. Then at the top select the save option and give the name to your theme ...................

               That's all guys!

if you like this post share with your friends and write some comments...........................

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Free Backlinks

Today i want to talk about you guys get free backlinks for your sites or blog.....................
so here we .........................................................................................go

here i mention some sites where you guys get free backlinks  for your sites and blog and these bcaklinks work ...You can use and see result...........................................................................

You guys really enjoy through this post ......................................................................................
if you like this post then share with your friends and write some comments ..................thanks

All Tube downloader

Today I want to talk about the  All Tube downloader .......................................
So here we go.....................................................................................................
so first download the software here!

So first of all download the software.....................................................................
After download the software .............install the software ...........................
After installation  the software ....................... open the software ......................
Open your browser and browser your video and copy links of video and paste 
it into the downloader bar ..............and download the video.............
share with your friends and write some comments.................

Friday, 15 February 2013

Abbrivation related to IT

Today i want to talk about the abirvation related to IT.................
So here we............................................................................Go.

  1. IT                                            Information Technology
  2. IP                                            Internet protocol
  3. TCP                                        Transmission control protocol
  4. BOOTP                                   Boot strap protocol
  5. DSL                                        Digital subscriber line
  6. CPU                                        Central processing Unit
  7. CGI                                         Computer generated imagery
  8. CD                                           Compact Disc
  9. DSL                                         Domain specific language
  10. DDR                                        Double Date Rate
  11. DDL                                        Dynamic link library
  12. DOS                                        Disk operating system
  13. DRAM                                     Dynamic Random Access memory
  14. CSS                                          Cascading style sheet
  15. CSS                                          Content Screaming-System
  16. CSS                                          Closed Source Software
  17. CAD                                         Computer Aided Design
  18. CC                                            C compiler 
  19. DAC                                         Digital to Analog converter 
  20. DPI                                           Dots per inch
  21. DB                                            Data Base
  22. DL                                            Download
  23. DNS                                          Domain Naming server
  24. DVD                                         Digital Video Disc
  25. ROM                                         Read only memory
  26. DOS                                          Disk Operating system
  27. RW                                            Re-writable
  28.  DVI                                          Digital visual Interface
  29. DVD                                          Digital Versatile Disc
  30. DVR                                          Digital video Recorded

                                                To be continued          

If you think that post is helpful then share with your friends and also write some comments..........................................................................................................................Thanks

How to get more free like for your Facebook page

Today i want to talk about the how you guys get more like for your Facebook page .............
So here we...................go

First of all you guys create your Facebook page ...if you have already Facebook page ...follow the instruction.
  1.  You guys must join the Facebook groups ........
  2. After joining many groups 
  3. You guys daily post their page address with some type of funny pic,music,video that attract the peoples toward your the groups ...after posting one weeks in a groups your like will be increase................
  4. 2nd one is create  their website or blog and place their Facebook page url there and gets more like
  5. 3rd one is share your Facebook page update with the timeline of your friends 
  6. 4ht one is create their groups and increase your members after that share your page within groups
  7. 5th one is share your Facebook page URL other social network like twitter,pinterest,dig,MySpace,yahoo,Hotmail,..................etc and get more like for your page...
  8. Keep daily posting on your Facebook page ...............
 After above instruction you will be seems good result.............................................................thanks

If you think that post is helpful then share with your friends and share their comments with the others..


Thursday, 14 February 2013

English to urdu dictionary free download

Hi! Guys
Today I want to talk about English to Urdu dictionary software
So here we go…………………….first download the software that I prefer ……………

First of all download the software…………………………………..
After download the software …………….install the software
After installation …………Open the software …………
At the top write the word that search and find your meaning ……………
This is the best dictionary that is used for translating of English to Urdu..Words
Enjoy ………………
If you like this post then share with your friends and write some comments………………………………….

Cloud computing

Hi! guys
Today i want to talk about the cloud computinng.................................................
So here we go..........................................................

Cloud computing
  when we share the resources over the network that is delivered  as a service  ,the term called cloud computing ...resources like hardware and software .................over the network mean internet...........
It's shape like a cloud that is  an abstraction for a  complex infrastructure......Cloud computing entrust the user's data...or provide remote services...........

There are many public cloud computing  .................................................................
  • Infrastructure as a service
  • Plate form as a service
  • Network as a service
  • Software as a service
  • Storage as a service
  • Desktop as a service
  • Data as a service
  • Security as a service
  • Database as a service
For business purpose software as a service is used  ...For management purpose Database as a service..
For networking purpose Network as a service ...........For security purpose Security as a service...........

                   Basic purpose of cloud computing is computing resources like hardware,software delivered as a service...
for managing data now a days www.  is example of cloud computing.............

if you guys think this post is helpful then share with your friends and also write some comments ..............................thanks

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Increase your browser speed

Guys today I wanna talk about how you guys  increase your browser speed and remove the extra toolbar from your browser…………………
So here we go………………………………..
So first of all you guys must download the software that I recommended for you…so download here!

After download the software  ,install the software ………………
After installation open the software ……………………………..
You guys see your browser and containing toolbar …….
Delete the extra toolbar that you guys not used
After remove the toolbar open your browser and feel the speed of your browser
If you guys think that post is helpful so share it with their friends and write some comments………………..thanks guys

Human body parts and their functionality

Guys today i wanna  be talk to  the Human body parts and their functionality..
So here we by one human parts and their functionality discuss!

  1. Bladder
                           A organ that shape is hollow muscular .Its functionality to stories urine before expelling form the body .Basic purpose is store the urine .

   2. Bones 
                       Bones provide the protection.there are five major functions of bones.
                            i.protect the vital organ i.e ribs of lungs.
                  the body 
                          iv.Provide minrals
                          v.bone marrow produces blood

3. Brain
                   The  Brain is main controller of the body. It receive the information through the senses of the body.Analyze the information and send the information to body. There are three parts of brain
  • Cerebrum
  • Cerebellum
  • Brain Stem
4. Ears
               Ear convert sound which enter through the ear canal.Convert machnical vibration into the electrical energy which interpret the brain.There are three part of ear
                               i.outer ear             protect inner and amplifies sounds
                              ii.Middle ear          Transmit sounds waves as a vibration into inner ear
                             iii.inner ear            chemical transmitter are released and causes impulses in auditory nerve.


               Eye is a basic mechanism for reeving light and transforming it into  the electrical energy
   Eye contain several part like retina which focus images upside and down also retina have two parts rods for low light vision and cones for color vision
6.Endocrine system
               Consist of collection of glands that secret  chemical massage called hormones.hormones pass through the blood to the target organ..

7.Gall Baladder

           A small shape of muscular sac,which is found under the right lobe of the liver in which the bile secreted of the liver stored until the body needed by digestions.


           Heart work like a pump that pumps blood received from the veins into arteries.Control the blood circulary system and provide the oxygen to the body.

9. Kidneys
         Main water and electrolyte balance.Regulate acid base concentration.basically filter the blood from the metabolic waste then that extract as urine.

        where human receive food..

                                                            To be continued.............................
If you think that post is informative then share it  with their friends and share some comments.....thanks


Tuesday, 12 February 2013

open blocked sites


Today i want to talk that how the blocked sites can be open
so here we go.............
first you guys must download the software that i prefer you
 download the software here!


After download the software then install the software ....
open the software........connect the software.
After connected the software internet explorer default will be open.
you should close the internet explorer and open the Mozilla Firefox
and use the internet
you open each and every site using this software ..
Also you guys open the YouTube through this software..
 If you think this post is helpful  so share with your friends and also write
some comments about that post..................................

Total vedio Converter with key free download

                                                      Total video converter 
       First download total video convert here                                                  Download
  1.  At the top select the registration process  and copy the key and paste there
  2. After registration you can convert any type of video there
  3. Convert all types  of  video for their cell phones
  4. Simply imports your files and select the type of your cell and then convert your video
  5. Using total video converter you can dubs video 
  6. Dubs process as first select your video file then you select audio file
  7. If you think that post is helpful then share your comments with others

Monday, 11 February 2013

free backlinks for your blog and websites

hi!Guys today i want to tell you about the Backlinks.
  • I assume you are all well aware about the backlinks.
  • Backlinks is mostly used for the indexing of your blog or websites in the major search engine like google,yahoo,bing...etc..
  • Also backlins increase your page rank.
  • So you must increase your backlinks and get high traffic for your site or blog 
  • Here i told you some important sites  that provide you free backlinks for your site and blog through which you guys increase your page rank as well as increase your traffic and much more
  •  Here you type your blog or site url and you can also write your special keywords that you want to backlins with the other sites  
  • This site is very useful for backlinking 
  • Here you can backlinks 3005 sites so keep using this site for backlinking.  
              use this site it is also better for backlinking

If you think this post is informative then share your comments!thanks

Avast Antivirus Registration /free cracker 2038

  1.  First download the Avast Antivirus here!             Download
  2. Install the Avast Antivirus ..
  3. copy the Avast key form the download folder " avast antivirus"
  4. After installation open the Avast Antivirus
  5. Click the left side text "MAINTENANCE"
  6. select the registration process 
  7. At the end open registration using key
  8. At the last paste the key 
  9. A massage displayed congratulations
  10. Now you done all the process 
  11. Enjoy ...............
  12. share your comments about the post to others!thanks guys

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Matlab functions

title('Dirac pulse')
subplot(3,3,2); stem(ones(50,1));
title('Step function')
title('Rectangular pulse')
title('Sinusoidal signal')
subplot(3,3,5); stem(sinc(0:0.25:8));
title('"Sinc" signal')
subplot(3,3,6); stem(exp(-(0:15)));
title('e^-^n signal')
title('2^-^0^.^5^n signal')
subplot(3,3,8); stem(3.^(0:15));
title('3^n signal')
subplot(3,3,9); stem(randn(1,16));
title('Gaussian random signal');

%Generate the following signal:
%x(n) = K exp[c n] ,
%where: K = 2, c = −1/12 + jπ / 6 , n􀁠 and n = 0..40 .
c = -(1/12)+(pi/6)*i;
K = 2; n = 0:40;
x = K*exp(c*n);
subplot(2,1,1); stem(n,real(x));
xlabel('Time index n');
title('Real part');
subplot(2,1,2); stem(n,imag(x));
xlabel('Time index n');
title('Imaginary part');