Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Human body parts and their functionality

Guys today i wanna  be talk to  the Human body parts and their functionality..
So here we by one human parts and their functionality discuss!

  1. Bladder
                           A organ that shape is hollow muscular .Its functionality to stories urine before expelling form the body .Basic purpose is store the urine .

   2. Bones 
                       Bones provide the protection.there are five major functions of bones.
                            i.protect the vital organ i.e ribs of lungs.
                  the body 
                          iv.Provide minrals
                          v.bone marrow produces blood

3. Brain
                   The  Brain is main controller of the body. It receive the information through the senses of the body.Analyze the information and send the information to body. There are three parts of brain
  • Cerebrum
  • Cerebellum
  • Brain Stem
4. Ears
               Ear convert sound which enter through the ear canal.Convert machnical vibration into the electrical energy which interpret the brain.There are three part of ear
                               i.outer ear             protect inner and amplifies sounds
                              ii.Middle ear          Transmit sounds waves as a vibration into inner ear
                             iii.inner ear            chemical transmitter are released and causes impulses in auditory nerve.


               Eye is a basic mechanism for reeving light and transforming it into  the electrical energy
   Eye contain several part like retina which focus images upside and down also retina have two parts rods for low light vision and cones for color vision
6.Endocrine system
               Consist of collection of glands that secret  chemical massage called hormones.hormones pass through the blood to the target organ..

7.Gall Baladder

           A small shape of muscular sac,which is found under the right lobe of the liver in which the bile secreted of the liver stored until the body needed by digestions.


           Heart work like a pump that pumps blood received from the veins into arteries.Control the blood circulary system and provide the oxygen to the body.

9. Kidneys
         Main water and electrolyte balance.Regulate acid base concentration.basically filter the blood from the metabolic waste then that extract as urine.

        where human receive food..

                                                            To be continued.............................
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