1. Make time your ally
Yep, we all get 24 hours in the day and believe me, it goes by fast. How to you make the most of those hours? Well, you need to be organized and set a schedule of what you are going to do and when. Designate specific times to work on your business each week and stick to your schedule. Understand your personal peak productivity times and batch your work around those times. For part-timers like me, you know you have even less time so you really have to make the most of your time. I have hours set out for blogging, social media and emailing. Once I'm done, I move to the next and don't go back unless I'm responding to one of my team members request for help.
2. Stick to one method of marketing at first
I know you hear this all the time but don't try to be Superman and learn everything at once. Find a marketing strategy you are interested in and improve on it and get good. You're probably struggling to get leads in your business because you are trying to learn to many strategies and trying to do it all. I don't want to sound mean but that's probably one of the reasons.
It takes time to learn a skill, implement, test, tweak and repeat until you start seeing the results you want. That's just the way it works. So find your strategy and be the guru in your business for 2014. When you start to thrive, your doors will be kicked open with people asking for your help.
3. Focus on Value, not Cost
Too many people are looking for FREE and the easy way out. Sure the ads on Facebook shout FREE but in reality, you are paying. If you're not paying with money, you're paying with time. And for the part-time marketer, time IS definitely money!
In 2014, resolve to focus more on VALUE than cost. Try and look at things from a bigger perspective. You may find at times, it's better to invest upfront to gain valuable information that will make you even more money for years to come.
So get out your list of resolutions and add these 3 items to your list. Post them on your desk, refrigerator or on your mirror so you can see them every single day. I would venture to guess, if you implement these in your daily activities, you will see a difference in your business for 2014.
Yep, we all get 24 hours in the day and believe me, it goes by fast. How to you make the most of those hours? Well, you need to be organized and set a schedule of what you are going to do and when. Designate specific times to work on your business each week and stick to your schedule. Understand your personal peak productivity times and batch your work around those times. For part-timers like me, you know you have even less time so you really have to make the most of your time. I have hours set out for blogging, social media and emailing. Once I'm done, I move to the next and don't go back unless I'm responding to one of my team members request for help.
2. Stick to one method of marketing at first
I know you hear this all the time but don't try to be Superman and learn everything at once. Find a marketing strategy you are interested in and improve on it and get good. You're probably struggling to get leads in your business because you are trying to learn to many strategies and trying to do it all. I don't want to sound mean but that's probably one of the reasons.
It takes time to learn a skill, implement, test, tweak and repeat until you start seeing the results you want. That's just the way it works. So find your strategy and be the guru in your business for 2014. When you start to thrive, your doors will be kicked open with people asking for your help.
3. Focus on Value, not Cost
Too many people are looking for FREE and the easy way out. Sure the ads on Facebook shout FREE but in reality, you are paying. If you're not paying with money, you're paying with time. And for the part-time marketer, time IS definitely money!
In 2014, resolve to focus more on VALUE than cost. Try and look at things from a bigger perspective. You may find at times, it's better to invest upfront to gain valuable information that will make you even more money for years to come.
So get out your list of resolutions and add these 3 items to your list. Post them on your desk, refrigerator or on your mirror so you can see them every single day. I would venture to guess, if you implement these in your daily activities, you will see a difference in your business for 2014.
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