Sunday, 9 February 2014

Benefits of a Strong Web Presence By Kellie Wasco

Having a strong web presence is becoming increasingly more essential to businesses as more and more technological advancements propel us further into this digital age. Companies who prosper from influencing their online visibility understand the benefits search engine optimization (SEO) can provide. Similar to SEO yet more evolved, web presence optimization (WPO) plays an integral role in any business plan. Though it involves website management, WPO does not end there. It is the process of increasing prominence for your company, as a whole, wherever online consumer activity may be. In other words, WPO takes SEO one step further by also incorporating various online media: review sites, local listings, blogs, and social sites such as Facebook and Twitter. By practicing WPO, companies increase convenience not just for themselves but for their consumers as well.
Convenience to Consumers
WPO adds convenience to consumers by making customer service available 24/7/365. Therefore, a strong or weak web presence can make or break a sale. Additionally, companies who employ the WPO strategy provide their consumers with global access. In addition, you can tailor your website to give your customers exactly the information that they are seeking no matter their location. Another benefit consumers can expect from WPO is interactivity. Since a main function of WPO is multimedia management, your company's web presence engages customers much more effectively. Each medium involved should be online, interactive and engaging.
Convenience to Companies
Web presence optimization provides companies with excellent benefits as well, such as improving credibility through brand development. Businesses with strong visibility amongst various online media can develop their image more effectively. Credibility is also gained through competition. Your business wants to be the number one result on Google, Bing, Yelp or Urbanspoon. Companies can help themselves move to the forefront of online traffic through WPO by spotlighting their personal brand of expertise, thereby gaining an edge on their competitors. Companies also save money by employing WPO, because of its maintainability. A strong web presence serves as an online brochure that can be updated quickly, easily and frequently. It is cheaper and more flexible than using offline media, such as print advertising, for that reason. In addition, by increasing visibility and reach, creating a stable web presence can lead to market expansion. As mentioned before, WPO provides consumers with global access to your business. Therefore, businesses who successfully increase their web presence can tap into new regions and demographics, which leads to growth opportunity and maximizes interactive feedback.
Kellie Wasco


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